September 2024
“Reason For The Hope”
When a person has a glowing disposition, they often get asked why they are so upbeat. For believers who glow with the hope of God, we will be asked about it, too. Are you prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in you? In today’s teaching, we discuss exactly that. Worship, […]
August 2024
“Shepherd of Our Souls”
What guides you through difficult times? When life gets rocky, what settles your heart and provides you with peace. In today’s chapter, we see how God is a loving shepherd who provides peace that can endure difficulty. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “Shepherd of Our Souls” (1 Peter 2) by Pastor Raphael Giglio.
“Living Hope”
The difficulties and persecution we face are not a mistake by God or a lack of His ability to protect us. Instead, it serves a great purpose to refine the living hope God has given us. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “Living Hope” (1 Peter 1) by Pastor Raphael Giglio.
“Repent and Believe”
How exactly does our salvation work? Simply put, we are saved by grace through faith when we repent and believe. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “Repent and Believe” (Assorted Scriptures) by Pastor Raphael Giglio.
“The END”
The prophecies in Daniel are not only about a future “time of trouble” that will occur at THE END of this “present evil age”, but they are also about God’s people being “delivered” and his kingdom reigning victoriously forever! —which is the greatest news in the Bible! As we see THE END times prophecies […]
July 2024
“History, Prophecy and Perseverance”
One way God proves His ability to us is through prophecy. As we walk through many fulfilled prophecies in Daniel 11, we can find strength and encouragement to remain faithful in difficult times. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “History, Prophecy and Perseverance” (Daniel 11) by Pastor Matt Friedman.
“Angel Activities”
The Bible makes it clear that spiritual forces are at work all around us. While that might lead some to fear, the power that Jesus makes available to us enables us to walk in confidence and strength. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “Angel Activities” (Daniel 10) by Pastor Raphael Giglio.
“Secret of the Seventy Sevens”
Daniel contains some of the most powerful and specific prophesies regarding the life of Jesus and His ultimate return. In today’s chapter, we examine some of these core prophesies closely to understand God’s grand timeline and learn how to live while we wait for Him. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “Secret of the Seventy […]
“Visions of Kingdoms”
God’s eternal kingdom doesn’t only help us in the future. Learning about the certainty of God’s eternal kingdom can alleviate fear and motivate our faithfulness here and now. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “Visions of Kingdoms” (Daniel 8) by Pastor Raphael Giglio.
June 2024
“A Kingdom Worth Trusting”
In a chaotic world, everyone is searching for something to trust. God uses prophesy to assure us that His kingdom is worthy of our trust even while He patiently waits. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “A Kingdom Worth Trusting” (Daniel 7) by Pastor Brian Higgins.
“What Is Your Lion’s Den?”
God’s faithfulness to others should encourage us to trust in God more. As we study the passage of Daniel being thrown in the lion’s den, it’s not just to celebrate what God did then. These moments of God’s faithfulness in the past should motivate us to trust God in the present, even when things look […]
“God Our Father”
When you imagine your relationship with God, what comes to mind first? Throughout the Bible, the picture God uses is that of Father. In today’s teaching, we explore the love of the Father toward us and see how we can emulate that toward our own families. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “God Our Father” […]
“The Writing On The Wall”
Not every message is easy to share. In Daniel 5, a difficult message needed to be delivered. But with God’s empowering, we become able to share His message with boldness and authority. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “The Writing On The Wall” (Daniel 5) by Pastor Raphael Giglio.
“Humbled and Honored”
What would our world look like if every political leader proclaimed humility before God and acknowledged His power? In Daniel 4, one of the most unlikely leaders does exactly that. Today’s teaching highlights the power God has to raise up and humble those He chooses. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “Humbled and Honored” (Daniel […]
May 2024
“With Us”
God never promises that He will prevent difficult circumstances in our lives. Instead, He promises to be with us through them. In Daniel 3, God walks with His people in a miraculous way that can motivate our faithfulness today. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “With Us” (Daniel 3) by Pastor Raphael Giglio.
“The Power of Pentecost”
Many Christians walk through life timid, wondering if they lack spiritual gifts or the ability to share God’s word powerfully. In today’s teaching, we celebrate Pentecost and the power now available to us through the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “The Power of Pentecost” (Acts 2) by Pastor […]
“Deciphering Dreams”
King Nebuchadnezzar issued an impossible challenge. But where every other effort fell short, the gifting of God was able to meet the need. Today, God offers us the wisdom we need to face the difficulties of life. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “Deciphering Dreams” (Daniel 2) by Pastor Raphael Giglio.
“Standing Strong in a Wicked World
What do we do when following Jesus means walking alone? Where will we find strength to stand up for God when we are surrounded by wicked people? The book of Daniel helps answer those questions and much more. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “Standing Strong in a Wicked World” by Pastor Raphael Giglio.
April 2024
“Romans Review”
To wrap up our journey through the book of Romans, today’s teaching gives us Romans in Review. By exploring each chapter’s main theme, the topics of justification by faith, God’s promises to Israel, and living in the power of the Holy Spirit become clear. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “Romans Review” by Pastor Raphael […]
“Greetings and Warnings”
The Bible calls us to unity, but it must be unity built on Jesus. In Romans 16, we see the large community that Paul valued as well as a strong warning against those that threaten the unity of the church. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “Greetings and Warnings” (Romans 16) by Pastor Raphael Giglio.
“Israel and the Jewish People”
Jesus came as Messiah to fulfill the law and make a once-and-for-all atonement for all people. But this does not meant that the Jewish people are no longer chosen by God. In fact, they show that God’s covenant, oath, and promise are still very much intact. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “Israel and the Jewish […]
“His Will Is Not Always Your Will”
What happens when what we want is different than what God wants for us? In Romans 15, Paul faces that exact scenario. In today’s teaching, we learn that God’s plans are always good even if they do not align with ours. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “His Will Is Not Always Your Will” (Romans […]
March 2024
“God Has Raised Him From The Dead”
This weekend we reflect upon the most important three days since the creation of the world, Jesus’ death and resurrection! We take this time to be sure we are not looking for Jesus among the dead. Instead, we recognize His life and seek to walk in His empowering.
“The Triumphal Entry”
As we approach Holy Week, where we celebrate the events of Jesus’ final days here on earth. Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday as a public, prophetic statement that He truly was and is our rightful king. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “The Triumphal Entry” (Mark 11) by Pastor Raphael Giglio.
“Disputable Matters”
We are all servants of the Lord. He is in charge of us, and we are not the judge of the Lord’s servants. In this chapter, Romans makes it clear that in disputable matters, the proper response is love. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “Disputable Matters” (Romans 14) by Pastor Raphael Giglio.
“Spirit-Empowered Submission”
While many people are experiencing political stress, God enables us to live in His perfect peace. Romans 13 outlines how Christians should relate to their authorities through love and grace, knowing our true king is never shaken by any unrest. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “Spirit-Empowered Submission” (Romans 13) by Pastor Brian Higgins.